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快訊|Slayer Espresso 宣布與Cimbali集團(tuán)達(dá)成合作關(guān)系

2022-07-20 15:21:39責(zé)任編輯:by瀏覽數(shù):501

昨日,咖啡機(jī)品牌 Slayer Espresso 創(chuàng)始人宣布與 Cimbali 集團(tuán)達(dá)成合作關(guān)系。Slayer Espresso 創(chuàng)始人 Jason Prefontaine表示:我

昨日,咖啡機(jī)品牌 Slayer Espresso 創(chuàng)始人宣布與 Cimbali 集團(tuán)達(dá)成合作關(guān)系。Slayer Espresso 創(chuàng)始人 Jason Prefontaine表示:我向各位保證,在我的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下,這種合作關(guān)系不會(huì)被接管,我們的管理結(jié)構(gòu)將保持不變。 此外,我們產(chǎn)品線的所有權(quán)保持不變,Slayer將繼續(xù)創(chuàng)新和設(shè)計(jì)高端手工咖啡機(jī),在西雅圖獨(dú)立管理現(xiàn)有的銷售和分銷渠道。這筆交易將使得Slayer能夠通過意大利的三家工廠充分利用 Gruppo Cimbali 的國(guó)際市場(chǎng)和制造能力,以擴(kuò)大全球業(yè)務(wù)。Gruppo Cimbali目前擁有La Cimbali和Faema品牌,通過9家國(guó)際分公司向世界各地提供傳統(tǒng)(半自動(dòng))意式咖啡機(jī)與超級(jí)全自動(dòng)機(jī)器。

Cimbali 集團(tuán)的 Maurizio Cimbali(左) 和 Franco Panno(中) 以及 Slayer Espresso 創(chuàng)始人 Jason Prefontaine(右)


可能大家對(duì) Slayer 會(huì)比較陌生,但一定也在很多地方看到過他們的身影。以定制而聞名的美國(guó)咖啡機(jī)品牌Slayer ,以酷炫的外觀而被大家所熟知。▲“網(wǎng)紅咖啡店”-% Arabica 就是使用白色定制SlayerPhoto|Slayer Espresso而 Cimbali 更是具有歷史且沉穩(wěn)的咖啡機(jī)品牌,深受大家的信賴。Photo|Cimbali


Slayer Espresso Announces

Partnership With Gruppo Cimbali-from the desk ofJasonPrefontaine12 | 01 | 2017

It brings me great pleasure to announce our new partnership with GruppoCimbali! For some this may come as a shock however I’m certain after reviewing this letter, you will have a better understanding and appreciation for my decision.Would you believe me if I told you I recently pulled out my original Slayer business plan. I literally wrote into the plan that there would come a point in time at which Slayer would need additional guidance and funding to reach its full potential. I also noted it was time to develop a technology that focused on enhancing the steam wand assembly and steam itself. As crazy as it sounds, Slayer is becoming exactly what I originally imagined.Over the past ten years we’ve built a modest team at Slayer working tirelessly on our mission to make coffee better. Each machine has a special placement towards that mission. WithSlayer Espresso(flagship machine) our focus was to aid in the extraction process, and find a way to showcase the subtle but exciting flavors of the cupping table without compromising mouthfeel. Thus the needle valve was born. TheSlayer Single Groupwould put all those incredible commercial features (and a touch screen interface) in a compact unit enabling restaurants, roaster labs and coffee enthusiasts to take espresso beverages to the next level.Slayer Steamwas in part an early on vision that would challenge the status quo in steaming technology but also to craft a machine with fast, efficient bar flow in mind. We did all this, always considering craftmenship, a remarkable design interface for baristas, bar flow efficiency, ergonomics and the guest experience.Fast forward to today and Slayer is known as a rule breaker of traditional molds and we’ve been able to successfully redefine the coffee industry by manufacturing professional, hand-crafted espresso machines with well thought out design aspects.Our vision is to further grow our business internationally, stream line our production capabilities and meet, hell even exceed the expectations of Slayer machine owners without whom we would not be able to do what we do.I’d like to assure each of you, this partnership is not a take over and our management structure will remain the same, under my leadership and guidance. Furthermore, ownership of our product line remains unchanged andSlayerwill continue to innovate and design high end, craft coffee machines managing sales and distribution channels independently as they currently exist, in Seattle.The partnership with Gruppo Cimbali is a significant business move for us and has been well thought out over the past year, representing the perfect blend of the classic established know-how of Gruppo Cimbali with the subversive and innovative methodology ofSlayer. This partnership will also assist Slayer in streamlining our manufacturing process through consultation and lean production implementation, enhance our engineering expertises and provide us access to build a large, high quality team to truly achieve all of our goals.Slayer, today is one of the most disruptive and innovative companies within the coffee industry. I am humbled by your inputs and trust invested in us over the past ten years. We are becoming the company I dreamt of creating. I’ve never been more excited about the future and possibilities of Slayer.Thank you for your continued support, passion for specialty coffee and loyalty.Gratefully Yours,Jason PrefontainePresident & CEO Slayer12.01.2017-END-版權(quán)信息:以上文章內(nèi)容由【咖啡沙龍】匯編,轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)聯(lián)系原作者。侵權(quán)請(qǐng)聯(lián)系:weixin@coffeesalon.com投稿合作:tips@coffeesalon.com歡迎添加微信與我們保持互動(dòng)廣告合作 |cofesalon咖啡館/師 |cafeuni咖啡愛好者 |saloncoffee






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