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2022-12-23 11:35:55責任編輯:世界烘焙配方瀏覽數:469

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In a saucepan, boil water and sugar until 118-121℃.2.When the temperature reaches 118-121℃, remove from heat, and stir in warmed hazelnuts.3.Continue to stir until the sugar recrystallizes and turns white.4.Put it back over the heat, and continue to stir.5.When it starts to caramelize, add cocoa nips and continue to cook until the color darkens a bit more.6.Spread over silpat, and cool completely.7.Grind cooled caramelized hazelnuts and Guérande salt in a food processor.Finish when the texture turns into a fluid paste.CHOCOLATE BISCUIT128 g egg yolks 26 g cake flour 51 g cocoa powder 13 g butter 64 g dark chocolate (Caraibe 66%)180 g egg whites180 g inverted sugarProcess:1.Stir cake flour and cocoa powder together.2.Mix with dark chocolate and butter melted to 55-60℃.3.In a mixing bowl, whip egg whites.4.Add inverted sugar and continue whipping.5.Whip until the meringue forms elastic peaks and bends slightly when the whisk is lifted.6.Sitr egg yolks in the meringue.7.Mix with sfited cake flour and cocoa powder.8.Mix part of the batter with to the butter mixture.9.Combine with the remaining batter.10.In a silicone mold, 32.5 x 32.5 x 1 cm (heigh), pour chocolate biscuit batter and spread evenly with a spatula. Bake for 15 minutes at 160℃.11.After the biscuit is completely cooled, sprinkle little bit of decosnow on the surface to prevent the skin from sticking, then turn it upside down to remove the mold.12.Cut using 5.5 cm in diameter round cutter.BITTER CHOCOLATE CREAM 75 g egg yolks 19 g sugar#1 19 g sugar#2103 g milk103 g cream 80 gdark chocolate (Caraibe 66%)Process:1.In a bowl, mix egg yolks and half of sugar. In a saucepan, heat cream, milk and remaining sugar to 45℃. Gradually mix into the egg yolks mixture, little bit at a time.2.Pour into a saucepan and boil until 83-85℃ to make crème anglaise.3.Strain and cool it down until 45℃.4.Gradually mix to dark chocolate melted to 35℃, in 3-4 times.Mix with a hand blender.5.Rest in fridge for 12 hours before use.COCOA MILK16 g cocoa nips80 g milkProcess:1.In a sous vide bag, pour milk and cocoa nibs baked for 3 minutes at 160℃.2.Sous vide at 60℃ for 1 hour to extract cocoa aroma.3.Strain to extract cocoa milk.COCOA WHIPPED CREAM 73 g cocoa milk 12 g gelatin mass (1:5) 80 g dark chocolate (Caraibe 66%)246 g creamProcess:1.Stir gelatin mass in the cocoa milk heated to 60℃.2.Stir into dark chocolate melted to 35℃,and continue to mix with hand blender.3.Add cream warmed to 35℃, and continue to mix with hand blender.4.Rest in fridge for 12 hours. Whip to use.DARK CHOCOLATE GLAZE 75 g water150 g sugar150 g corn syrup100 g condensed milk 60 g gelatin mass (1:5)150 gdark chocolate (Caraibe 66%) qs g red natural food colorProcess:1.In a saucepan, heat water and sugar.2.When it turns into a syrup, stir in corn syrup and continue to boil until 103℃, remove from heat.3.Stir in condensed milk and gelatin mass in order.4.Pour over dark chocolate melted to 35℃ and red natural food color, and mix using a hand blender.5.To use, reset the glaze to 35℃, and mix thoroughly using hand blender.ASSEMBLY & FINISH1.Pipe 18 g of hazelnut cocoa praline in the 100% baked tarte shells.2.Sprinkle Guérande salt.3.Place chocolate biscuit and lightly press the top with a flat tool.4.Fill with 30 g of bitter chocolate cream.Rest in fridge for 3 hours, then freeze completely.5.Fill the surface of the tartes with the glaze.6.Pipe cocoa whipped cream in cone shape using a round tip (1 cm in diameter).7.Decorate with chocolate decorations and edible gold leaves to finish.表走開,看彩蛋哦~—▼傳送門 · 戳下圖·有配方▼—關注“世界烘焙配方”sjhbpf進入世界頂級烘焙殿堂!全球最新烘焙資料、最炫蛋糕圖片、最時尚面包大師作品,全球名店產品展示,最詳盡的配方食譜!點擊閱讀原文,傳送至下載鏈接(百度云盤)轉載請標注:轉自微信公眾號:世界烘焙配方戳一下在看嘛~你又不會懷孕! 預覽時標簽不可點






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