當前位置:首頁>看資訊 >烘焙食譜>一抹輕黃·驚艷了時光——女神chef Ksenia Penkina開心果卡曼橘(已打包·可下載)

一抹輕黃·驚艷了時光——女神chef Ksenia Penkina開心果卡曼橘(已打包·可下載)

2022-11-08 17:37:48責任編輯:世界烘焙配方瀏覽數(shù):420

↑點擊"世界烘焙配方"關注開心果卡曼橘【點擊左下角閱讀原文即可下載無水印配方】單色調(diào)居然能做到如此華麗大氣!來自chef Kseni

cription-url="https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/PR7JPt3C5zawKVqAvnVjgkJkKicO3wLSfvxkngAAoDWUqJLBBmuPX3tz9EErvItMfV2IGR6HnCYhZnibRA6KM6Ww/0?wx_fmt.jpeg" data-cropselx1="0" data-cropselx2="578" data-cropsely1="0" data-cropsely2="636" data-ratio="1.2050561797752808" data-s="300,640" src="http://gatewayvillagesalem.com/file/upload/202211/08/173748691.png" data-type="png" data-w="712" >單色調(diào)居然能做到如此華麗大氣!來自chef Ksenia Penkina(下圖)兩種最強悍的鎮(zhèn)店技術一次放出了:chef 的獨家噴砂&淋面!dyz8?今日配方下載提取碼每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“閱讀原文”點擊進入均可下載當日配方、視頻或圖片文件,省去大家自己復制黏貼的麻煩,配方文件無任何水印設置;“提取碼”因近日度娘抽風搞怪,暫不提供無碼下載服務,只能按她的規(guī)矩來,所以下載之前先把這個“提取碼”復制一下~另外,部分地區(qū)可能因為某些不可抗原因?qū)е聼o法直接點擊閱讀原文,可以在文末的【置頂留言】中找到鏈接和提取碼。開心果卡曼橘PISTACHIO CALAMANSI ENTREMETBy Ksenia Penkina配方量:2×18cm蛋糕開心果達克瓦茲(無麩質(zhì))【654克】(1盤量:30x40CM)215 克……蛋白 46 克……大米粉182 克……細砂糖 7 克……抹茶粉 2 克……蛋白粉(烘焙用) 72 克……100%純開心果醬130 克……杏仁粉制作:1、將烤箱預熱至170℃,另外準備一張30x40CM的烤盤并鋪墊烘焙油紙。2、將蛋白、細砂糖和蛋白粉打發(fā)為蛋白霜。3、將杏仁粉、大米粉和抹茶粉混合過篩。4、將開心果醬加入到“步驟2”的蛋白霜中拌勻,接著再將混合過篩的干粉類加入拌勻。5、倒入準備好的烤盤中抹平,厚度約1CM。6、放入已預熱至170℃的烤箱內(nèi)烘烤約10-15分鐘,出爐后冷卻待用。7、冷卻后,裁切為2個φ16CM的圓形,冷凍待用。開心果覆盆子酥脆涂層【201克】42 克……開心果66 克……薄脆片42 克……34%白巧克力14 克……凍干覆盆子28 克……100%純開心果醬 1 個……青檸檬皮屑 8 克……葡萄籽油制作:1、將烤箱預熱至160℃。2、將開心果放入烤箱烘烤約5-10分鐘。3、輕輕敲碎并切成小碎塊。4、將巧克力與開心果醬混合融化至40-45℃,加入葡萄籽油拌勻。5、將薄脆片、凍干覆盆子、青檸皮屑和開心果碎加入拌勻。6、均勻涂抹在兩個冷凍的直徑16CM的“開心果達克瓦茲”表面,繼續(xù)冷凍。覆盆子啫喱【350.5克】(2個φ16CM夾心量)175 克……覆盆子果茸 32 克……細砂糖 98 克……覆盆子3.5 克……NH果膠粉 35 克……葡萄糖漿 7 克……卡曼橘果茸制作:1、將覆盆子果茸、覆盆子和葡萄糖漿放入一個厚底平底鍋中混合加熱至40℃。2、將細砂糖與NH果膠拌勻,然后緩慢撒入“步驟1”的鍋中拌勻。3、繼續(xù)加熱至85℃。4、離火,加入卡曼橘果茸拌勻。5、倒入兩個直徑16CM的夾心模具中,冷凍??倌逃汀?01克】(2個φ16厘米夾心量)52 克……卡曼橘果茸12 克……可可脂20 克……芒果果茸12 克……吉利丁凍(250Bloom,1:6)48 克……柑橘果茸96 克……黃油84 克……蛋黃 1 個……青檸皮屑76 克……細砂糖制作:1、將果茸倒入厚底平底鍋內(nèi)加熱。2、將蛋黃與細砂糖混合攪打至泛白。3、然后將“步驟2”緩慢加入到“步驟1”的鍋中,繼續(xù)中小火加熱并保持不間斷攪拌制成“英式奶醬”(80-82℃)。4、離火,加入可可脂和吉利丁凍拌融。5、降溫至40-45℃時,加入黃油和青檸皮屑,用均質(zhì)機/攪拌棒充分攪拌乳化。6、倒在模具內(nèi)冷凍的“覆盆子啫喱”表面,繼續(xù)冷凍。檸檬色鏡面淋面【1350克】150 克……水300 克……細砂糖300 克……葡萄糖漿(DE 43)100 克……吉利丁凍(250 Bloom,1:6)200 克……甜煉乳300 克……純脂白巧克力適量克……水溶性檸檬黃色素制作:1、將水、細砂糖和葡萄糖漿放入一個較大的厚底平底鍋中。2、同時,將吉利丁凍、甜煉乳和純脂白巧克力幣放入一個塑料量杯中。3、將“步驟1”開始加熱煮沸至103℃。4、離火,沖入“步驟2”的量杯中。5、用均質(zhì)機/攪拌棒充分攪拌乳化,并加入檸檬色素繼續(xù)攪拌至光滑細膩。6、保鮮膜貼面密封,冷藏24小時。7、二四小時后,將其放入微波爐內(nèi)加熱至微稠狀態(tài)。8、用均質(zhì)機/攪拌棒充分攪拌乳化至光滑細膩并適合淋面的狀態(tài)。9、最佳使用溫度為29-39℃之間。檸檬色巧克力噴砂【400克】200 克……可可脂200 克……白巧克力適量克……油性檸檬黃色素制作:1、將可可脂放入微波爐內(nèi)融化,加入白巧克力幣,用均質(zhì)機攪拌乳化均勻。2、再將檸檬黃油性色素加入,繼續(xù)攪拌乳化均勻。3、加熱至40-50℃,倒入巧克力噴砂機內(nèi)使用?!鶎I(yè)巧克力噴砂機或油漆噴槍均可,可以調(diào)節(jié)噴砂口的大小來調(diào)整到最佳噴砂細膩效果。開心果抹茶慕斯【1000克】(2個φ18 cm)510 克……33%稀奶油170 克……3.25%牛奶 10 克……抹茶粉 25 克……吉利丁凍(250Bloom,1:6)230 克……34%白巧克力 55 克……100%純開心果醬制作:1、將稀奶油打發(fā)至五成發(fā),冷藏待用。2、將牛奶倒入厚底平底鍋中,將抹茶粉過篩加入拌勻并加熱至80℃。3、離火,加入吉利丁凍拌融。4、將巧克力幣和開心果醬倒入量杯中。5、將“步驟3”的熱的液體沖入量杯中,用均質(zhì)機/攪拌棒充分攪拌乳化。6、降溫至28-29℃時,將冷藏的半打發(fā)的稀奶油加入拌勻。7、與冷凍脫模的“覆盆子啫喱/卡曼橘奶油”夾心層一起入模具。組裝方式※可以選用φ18CM的硅膠模具或慕斯圈,或者選用其他形狀模具;組裝以如下倒置順序完成。1、先在模具底部擠入2CM厚度的“開心果抹茶慕斯”。2、放入冷凍脫模的“覆盆子啫喱/卡曼橘奶油”夾心層。3、繼續(xù)擠入“開心果抹茶慕斯”。4、最后蓋上直徑16CM的“開心果達克瓦茲/開心果覆盆子酥脆涂層”封底,冷凍。噴砂與淋面1、此蛋糕選用了同一色調(diào)的噴砂與淋面,在視覺上呈現(xiàn)紋理質(zhì)感的差異,避免多種顏色的組合干擾。2、首先,準備檸檬黃色的鏡面淋面和檸檬黃色的巧克力噴砂。3、將完全冷凍的慕斯脫模,放在轉(zhuǎn)盤和直筒容器上,用巧克力噴砂機噴“檸檬色巧克力噴砂”,控制好距離,不要太近,一邊噴一邊轉(zhuǎn)動蛋糕,直至蛋糕被巧克力噴砂完全均勻覆蓋。如果擔心噴砂會散射到工作臺其他位置,則可以使用紙箱或?qū)S脟娚跋洹?、快速噴砂操作,確保噴砂及蛋糕不會融化,噴砂后立刻放回冷凍15-20分鐘,期間可以準備淋面,蛋糕務必要充分完全冷凍后方可淋面。5、將冷凍的噴砂蛋糕取出,將回溫至29-39℃的“檸檬色鏡面淋面”淋在蛋糕覆蓋一半的表面上,操作的速度越快,淋面呈現(xiàn)的效果就越光滑,要避免出現(xiàn)結(jié)塊和瑕疵。6、稍靜置待多余的淋面滴落后,用抹刀將底部清理整齊,輕輕放在蛋糕底托上。頂部的“心形抱枕”為同樣配方和同樣的噴砂淋面處理方法。7、放入冷藏自然解凍約5-7個小時,起初的幾個小時內(nèi),因為蛋糕內(nèi)部是冷凍狀態(tài),表面會看到一層白色的冰霜,但慢慢會逐漸蒸發(fā),最后完全消失。喜歡原汁原味繼續(xù)CHEF的英文版dyz8?今日配方下載提取碼每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“閱讀原文”點擊進入均可下載當日配方、視頻或圖片文件,省去大家自己復制黏貼的麻煩,配方文件無任何水印設置;“提取碼”因近日度娘抽風搞怪,暫不提供無碼下載服務,只能按她的規(guī)矩來,所以下載之前先把這個“提取碼”復制一下~另外,部分地區(qū)可能因為某些不可抗原因?qū)е聼o法直接點擊閱讀原文,可以在文末的【置頂留言】中找到鏈接和提取碼。PISTACHIO CALAMANSI ENTREMETBy Ksenia Penkinamakes 2×18cm cakesPISTACHIO DACQUOISE GLUTEN FREE(1 tray,30×40cm)215 g egg whites 46 g rice flour182 g sugar 7 g matcha tea powder 2 g albumen 72 g pistachio paste, 100%130 g almond flourProcess:1. Preheat the oven to 170°C and line a 30×40cm baking sheet with parchment paper.2. Whip the egg whites, sugar, and albumen to form a meringue.3. Sift together the almond flour, rice flour, and matcha tea powder.4. Fold the pistachio paste into the meringue, followed by the dry ingredients.5. Spread the mixture evenly over the prepared baking sheet to a height of 1cm.6. Bake for 10–15 minutes, then set aside to cool.7. Cut the cake into 2×16cm rounds and then freeze.CRUNCH WAFFLE WITH PISTACHIO AND RASPBERRY42 g pistachio nuts66 g feuilletine42 g couverture white chocolate, 34%14 g freeze-dried raspberry28 g pistachio paste, 100% 1 u zest of 1 lime 8 g grapeseed oilProcess:1. Preheat the oven to 160°C.2. Toast the pistachios in the oven for 5–10 minutes.3. Slightly crush the toasted pistachios or cut them into smaller pieces.4. Melt the chocolate and the pistachio paste until they reach 40–45°C, and then addthe oil.5. Stir in the feuilletine, raspberry, zest, and pistachios.6. Spread the mixture in a thin layer over the frozen dacquoise and then freeze.RASPBERRY GELéE(2×16cm inserts)175 g raspberry purée 32 g sugar 98 g raspberries3.5 g pectin NH 35 g glucose syrup 7 g calamansi puréeProcess:1. Combine the raspberry purée, raspberries, and glucose syrup in a pot and heatto 40°C.2. Combine the sugar and pectin NH, and then gradually whisk them into the pot.3. Continue to heat to 85°C.4. Remove from the heat and add the calamansi purée.5. Cast into 2×16cm rings or moulds, and then freeze.SOUR CALAMANSI CREAM(2×16cm inserts)52 g calamansi purée12 g cocoa butter20 g mango purée12 g gelatin mass48 g mandarin purée96 g butter84 g egg yolks 1 u zest of lime76 g sugarProcess:1. Pour the purées into a pot and warm up.2. Whisk together the egg yolks and sugar.3. Gradually add the egg yolk and sugar mixture to the warm purées to make acrème Anglaise.Slowly cook the crème Anglaise to 80–82°C while constantly mixing.4. Remove from the heat and add the cocoa butter and gelatin mass.5. Cool down to 40–45°C, and then add the butter and zest and emulsify the mixturewith a hand blender.6. Cast on top of the frozen raspberry gelée, and then freeze.MIRROR GLAZE150 g water300 g sugar300 g glucose syrup, 43DE100 g gelatin mass200 g sweetened condensed milk300 g couverture white chocolate qs g water-soluble food coloursProcess:1. Combine the water, sugar, and glucose syrup in a large pot.2. Combine the gelatin mass, condensed milk, and chocolate in a large cup.3. Bring the ingredients in the pot to a boil at 103°C.4. Remove the pot from the heat and combine with the mixture in the cup.5. Emulsify with a hand blender and add the required food colours.6. Refrigerate for 24 hours to stabilize before using.7. After 24 hours, heat the glaze in a microwave until the consistency is semi-thick.8. Emulsify with a blender until the glaze reaches your desired fluidity.9.The temperature should range between 29 and 39°C.LEMON VELVET200 g cocoa butter200 g white chocolate qs g oil-soluble food coloursProcess:1. Melt the cocoa butter in a microwave, add the chocolate, and blend.2. Add oil-soluble food colours as required.3. Heat up to 40–50°C, pour into a spray gun cup and use as required.**A professional spray gun or a hardware paint sprayer both work well for the velveteffect if it has a small wheel that you can adjust to control the grain size.PISTACHIO MOUSSE WITH MATCHA(2×18cm cakes)510 g heavy cream, 33%170 g milk, 3.25% 10 g matcha tea powder 25 g gelatin mass230 g couverture white chocolate, 34% 55 g pistachio paste, 100%Process:1. Semi-whip the cream and place in the fridge.2. Pour the milk into a pot, sift in the matcha powder, and heat to 80°C.3. Remove the pot from the heat and add the gelatin mass.4. Put the chocolate and pistachio paste in a tall cup.5. Pour the mixture over the chocolate and pistachio, and then emulsify with a hand blender.6. Cool down to 28–29°C and fold in the whipped cream.7. Assemble the full cake using all the inserts.ASSEMBLYYou can assemble this cake in classic 18cm silicone moulds or pastry rings. Otherwise,you can use any other cake mould or shape of your choice. Assemble the cake upsidedown, as follows:1. Pour a 2cm layer of pistachio mousse into the mould.2. Place the raspberry gelée and calamansi cream over the mousse.3. Spread more mousse over this.4. Add the pistachio dacquoise and top with the crunch.Freeze.GLAZING EFFECT: VELVET + GLAZE1.For this effect, I prefer to use one colour for both the velvet and the glaze to focusthe viewer on the texture differences instead of being disturbed by colourfulcombinations.2.First, prepare a yellow mirror glaze and a yellow velvet.3.Remove your cake from the freezer and place it on a tall cup and turntable for aneven velvet-grain spread. You can also use a large box to avoid spraying velvet aroundyour work area. Spray in circular motions from a medium distance, simultaneouslyconstantly turning the cake for an even overall coverage. Spray until you can nolonger see the cake through the layer of velvet.4.Spray your cake quickly so the mousse on the surface doesn’t melt. Return the caketo the freezer for 15–20 minutes while you prepare the glaze. The cake should be fullyfrozen before you glaze it.5.Remove your cake from the freezer and glaze one side in any motion. The faster youglaze, the straighter and smoother the coverage will be, avoiding glaze lumps andimperfections.6.Wait until any excess glaze stops dripping, then remove the bottom drops with aspatula or knife. Carefully place your cake on a cake board or plate.7.Allow it to defrost in the fridge for 5–7 hours. For the first few hours, while the cake isstill frozen, you’ll see white frost on top of the velvet. This will eventually evaporate anddisappear when the cake is fully defrosted.表走開,看彩蛋哦~—▼傳送門 · 戳下圖·有配方▼—關注“世界烘焙配方”sjhbpf進入世界頂級烘焙殿堂!全球最新烘焙資料、最炫蛋糕圖片、最時尚面包大師作品,全球名店產(chǎn)品展示,最詳盡的配方食譜!點擊閱讀原文,傳送至下載鏈接(百度云盤)轉(zhuǎn)載請標注:轉(zhuǎn)自微信公眾號:世界烘焙配方戳一下在看嘛~你又不會懷孕! 預覽時標簽不可點






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