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咖啡體驗 | Chemex 手沖分享

2022-08-10 11:59:48責(zé)任編輯:漿果夫婦瀏覽數(shù):718


一些人來到店里看到吧臺上的花,會贊賞花的美麗,那是要歸功于我們的老主顧小寧同學(xué)堅持贈花;一些人來到店裡吐槽說漿果太任性,竟然用「它」來做插花瓶!當(dāng)然,后者應(yīng)該是骨灰級咖啡人,因為他們知道,那個瓶瓶叫做CHEMEX。喜歡Ian Fleming 007系列的朋友都知道,邦德的最愛就是拿CHEMEX沖咖啡;美國經(jīng)典肥皂劇「Friends 老友記」的背景中,CHEMEX也曾出現(xiàn)過。好了,言歸正傳,漿果就把所學(xué)關(guān)于CHEMEX的知識和故事分享給大家。希望對它有興趣的親們可以了解到更多關(guān)于CHEMEX。中英文對照的喔!The Chemex Coffeemaker is a manual, pour-over style glass-container coffeemaker, which Peter Schlumbohm invented in 1941, and which continues to be manufactured, by the Chemex Corporation in Chicopee, Massachusetts.CHEMEX是一種手沖壺,它將過濾杯和滴漏壺組合在一起,全部玻璃材質(zhì),腰身由木頭環(huán)在玻璃最細(xì)的腰處,以羊皮系之固定。它是由德國著名發(fā)明家彼得史洛姆波在1941年發(fā)明的。并由位于美國麻省的Chemex公司投入批量生產(chǎn)。In 1958, designers at the Illinois Institute of Technology said that the Chemex Coffeemaker is "one of the best-designed products of modern times", and so is included to the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. 在1958年,伊利諾伊斯理工學(xué)院的設(shè)計師們曾說“Chemex咖啡壺是現(xiàn)代社會最好的產(chǎn)品設(shè)計之一“,也包括收藏在紐約城布魯克林的現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)博物館。The Chemex Coffeemaker consists of an narrow-waist glass flask and uses proprietary paper filters, made of chemically bonded paper (of thicker-gauge paper than the standard paper filters for a drip-method coffeemaker) which remove most of the coffee oils, and so brew coffee with a taste that is different than the taste of coffee brewed in other coffee-making systems; also, the thicker paper of the Chemex coffee filters might assist in removing cafestol, a cholesterol-elevating compound found in coffee oils.CHEMEX咖啡滴濾杯是一個中間小蠻腰,兩邊寬的類似燒杯一樣的玻璃瓶,其濾紙并非通用,而是專有的特制化學(xué)鍵合成紙,其特點是要比普通的滴濾紙密度小而厚實。因此,CHEMEX沖泡出來的咖啡與其他手沖器具相比,油脂過濾得更透徹,口感明亮干凈。另外,它還可以過濾掉一些不溶于水的化合物,如咖啡膽固醇等等。CHEMEX沖泡咖啡步驟如下:1. Fill your kettle and set to boil. 燒水。2. Weigh out whole bean coffee. 量豆。漿果建議:做12盎司的咖啡用415克水、26克咖啡豆、沖泡時間4分鐘;做16盎司的咖啡用525克水、33克咖啡豆、沖泡時間5分鐘;24盎司的咖啡用800克水、50克咖啡豆,萃取6分鐘。3. Place a filter into the top compartment of the Chemex making sure the 3-layered side is facing the spout. This will allow air to escape during the brew process. 將濾紙對折,再對折,形成圓錐狀(如下圖,萌妻的小胖手超可愛啊有木有?。?,并打開。把有三層紙的那一面開在CHEMEX有豁口的地方,這是為了在萃取咖啡過程中釋放瓶里的氣體。4. Rinse the filter with ample water, around 16oz, to prevent any papery taste from affecting the brew. This also preheats the Chemex. 用熱水清洗濾紙,以免濾紙中的紙漿味和螢光劑影響咖啡口感,也起到了溫壺的作用。5. once thoroughly saturated, tip the Chemex over a sink to dispose of the rinse water. Don’t be tempted to remove the filter to empty faster; it can be difficult to secure back into place once removed. 當(dāng)濾紙全部浸濕,將CHEMEX壺里的水順著豁口倒入水池。不要到的太快,否則濾紙會脫落。如果脫落了就會很難再將濾紙放入上部分瓶中了。6. Place your Chemex, complete with rinsed filter, on the scale and tare to zero.將做完以上準(zhǔn)備工作的CHEMEX壺放到稱上,歸零。7. Grind your coffee and add it to the Chemex filter. Check to see that the coffee weight hasn’t changed after grinding—then tare to zero again.開始磨咖啡豆,并將其導(dǎo)入濾紙中,查看一下稱上顯示的咖啡重量與想要沖泡的咖啡克數(shù)是否一致,如果沒問題,歸零。8. Start your timer and pour twice as much water as coffee (i.e. 26g coffee x 2 = 52g water) over the grounds. The goal is even saturation, so pour slowly in a clockwise pattern. Don’t worry if you see a few drips falling through. This bloom allows the coffee to de-gas, enabling the water to yield the full potential of the coffee. This is an essential step that should never be rushed.開始計時,首先緩緩畫圓注入咖啡粉重量兩倍的水,加入26克咖啡粉的話就是加52克水,目的是為了燜蒸咖啡從而排除危害口感的二氧化碳以及在烘焙熱解反應(yīng)中生成的藻氣。不要擔(dān)心會滴下去幾滴,反正,不用擔(dān)心。這一步驟太重要了,千萬別急,它會影響你的咖啡的味譜是否明顯,干凈。9. After about a minute, add water in stages (around 70–100g at a time) until you reach the desired final brew weight, making sure that the grounds are never exposed to air until the brew is finished. Concentrate the pour towards the center of the Chemex, working your way outwards to about a centimeter from the edge of the slurry. The water stream from the pouring kettle should be slow enough to fall straight down, not at an angle.一分鐘之后,每一次加入70-100克的水,知道達(dá)到目的水量。切忌咖啡粉脫水,不用畫圈,往中心點緩緩流下即可。水柱應(yīng)該與CHEMEX垂直。水壺口與水面之間的水柱要達(dá)到1厘米以上。10. once the drips stall to every couple of seconds, your brew is finished. If your grind was correct, and you poured at the right speed, this should have taken between 4-5 minutes. Remove the filter and discard. Enjoy!4-5分鐘正確萃取后將濾紙同咖啡渣拿掉,就可以享用一杯美味的CHEMEX咖啡啦!哦,對了,還有最后一步,就是要把吧臺收拾干凈,否則又要被舒展罵了。漿果夫婦上次去日本東京淺草那邊自帶了3個CHEMEX,一個在插花,一個賣了,還有一個。面對國內(nèi)猖獗的仿貨,我們只把那僅有的一個賣給真正懂它的人。
版權(quán)信息:以上文章由公眾號【漿果精品咖啡】授權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)載,未經(jīng)允許不得轉(zhuǎn)載。原文作者: 漿果夫婦侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系: weixin@coffeesalon.com投稿合作:tips@coffeesalon.com咖啡是一個世界,我們只是其中的一個窗口。我們是咖啡的傳教士,只為把咖啡最真實的呈現(xiàn)給你??Х壬除埿【幬⑿盘枺簊aloncoffee,歡迎打擾!






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