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咖啡生活 | 喝咖啡或可降低抑郁癥風險

2022-07-26 11:04:16責任編輯:黃偉瀏覽數(shù):535


抑郁癥,是一種常見病,估計全球約有3.5億名患者?;颊咝那橛魫灒瑔适d趣或享受感,產(chǎn)生負罪感,或自尊心不足,睡眠和食欲紊亂,身體疲倦,注意力不易集中。抑郁癥不同于通常的情緒波動和對日常生活中挑戰(zhàn)產(chǎn)生的短暫情緒反應,尤其是長期的中度或重度抑郁癥可能會成為嚴重疾患。 抑郁癥可能長期存在,或經(jīng)常復發(fā),從而嚴重影響個人的工作或學習能力或日常生活能力,嚴重時可引致自殺行為。全球每年自殺死亡人數(shù)估計高達100萬人。輕微的抑郁癥患者不用藥物即可處理,而中度或重度抑郁癥患者則可能需要藥物治療以及更專業(yè)的治療。但是遺憾的是,雖然對抑郁癥已有行之有效的治療辦法,全球只有不足一半的患者(在某些國家中僅有不到10%的患者)接受有效治療。影響有效治療的因素有:缺乏資源,缺乏訓練有素的衛(wèi)生保健人員,以及社會對精神疾患的歧視等(來源:世界衛(wèi)生組織)。令人欣慰的是, 最新研究發(fā)現(xiàn),咖啡和咖啡攝入量的增加,與抑郁癥風險降低嚴重相關。這是中國青島大學公共衛(wèi)生學院完成的一項研究。研究人員對觀察性研究進行薈萃分析,來檢測成人抑郁癥風險與咖啡和咖啡因攝入量之間的關系。 這項研究成果發(fā)表在2016年3月份《澳大利亞和新西蘭精神病學》雜志(TheAustralian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry)上。(原文網(wǎng)址: http://www.psychiatryadvisor.com/mood-disorders/does-coffee-and-caffeine-lower-risk-of-depression/article/485602/ )(PsychiatryAdvisor 2016年3月25日報道)鑒于可能無法打開原文網(wǎng)址,現(xiàn)將原英文附于此:
Coffee, Caffeine May Be linked With Decreased Depression RiskDepression affects an estimated 15% of adults in high-income nations, and a growing body of research suggests that it is associated with several lifestyle and dietary factors such as physical activity, smoking, alcohol intake, and consumption of coffee and tea — the most commonly consumed beverages worldwide besides water.Experts propose that caffeine facilitates the transmission of serotonin and dopamine, which contribute to depression. While some studies have found an inverse relationship between coffee or caffeine intake and depression, others have found no beneficial effect.Researchers at Qingdao University Medical College in China conducted the first meta-analysis of observational studies to examine the link between depression risk in adults and consumption of coffee and caffeine, seeking to clarify the link by conducting a dose-response analysis of “all available data of observational studies to derive a quantitative estimation of the association between coffee or caffeine intake and depression.” The analysis covered 15 case-control, cohort, and cross-sectional studies that included a cumulative 330 677 participants for the coffee-depression association and 38 223 participants for the caffeine-depression association.The researchers found a linear relationship between coffee consumption anddepression risk, with a dose-response relationship of 8% reduced risk for each cup consumed per day.Additionally, they observed a nonlinear relationship between caffeine intake and depression risk, in which “the risk of depression decreased faster and the association became significant when the caffeine consumption was above 68 mg/day and below 509 mg/day.”Although researchers are not certain about the mechanisms driving the link between depression and coffee or caffeine consumption, several potential explanations have emerged. Previous findings have implicated inflammation and oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of depression, and one possibility is that the various chemicals present in coffee in significant amounts — including chlorogenic acid, nicotinic acid, trigonelline, quinolinic acid, tannic acid, pyrogallic acid — have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that impact depression.“Second, caffeine, as a nonspecific adenosine A1/ A2A receptor antagonist, generates psychostimulant effects through modulating dopaminergic transmission… and major metabolites of caffeine act on adenosine receptors in the brain,” the researchers wrote. This may help explain the reduced risk of depression associated with coffee intake.Some of the limitations of the study included high between-study heterogeneity, the use of different methods across studies to assess caffeine intake, and the possibility of confounding by certain side effects. For example, ifpatients with depressionavoid or minimize caffeine consumption because of its anxiogenic effects, “then there would appear to be a correlation between greater caffeine intake and less depression, especially in the cross-sectional studies,” the authors wrote.Although these findings provide promising results, further investigation is needed to elucidate underlying mechanisms in the relationship between depression risk and coffee or caffeine intake.Reference:Wang L,Shen X,Wu Y,Zhang D.Coffee and caffeine consumption and depression: A meta-analysis of observational studies.Aust N Z J Psychiatry.2016; 50(3):228-42.
上面Reference列出的這篇論文的原摘要鏈接地址https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26339067文章標題:咖啡和咖啡因攝入量與抑郁癥:觀察性研究的薈萃分析Coffee and caffeine consumption and depression: A meta-analysis of observational studies研究結論:咖啡和咖啡因攝入與抑郁癥風險降嚴重相關Conclusion:Coffee and caffeine consumption were significantly associated with decreased risk of depression這篇發(fā)表在《澳大利亞和新西蘭精神病學》雜志上的文章是青島大學公共衛(wèi)生學院 2016屆碩士生王龍飛的畢業(yè)論文《咖啡和咖啡因的攝入與代謝綜合征抑郁癥關系的研究》(見 http://ggwsxy.qdu.edu.cn/info/1060/1487.htm)其實,早在2013年7月24日《哈佛學報》就曾報道,哈佛大學公共衛(wèi)生學院的研究表明,每天喝幾杯咖啡可使自殺率降低近50%(英文鏈接http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2013/07/drinking-coffee-may-reduce-risk-of-suicide-by-50/) 。該研究發(fā)表在2013年7月2號的《世界生物精神病學》學報上(原文見coffee vs decreased suicide)。長按識別二維碼,了解更多
版權信息:以上文章內容轉載自【黃偉咖啡工作室】,轉載請聯(lián)系原作者。作者:黃偉侵權請聯(lián)系:weixin@coffeesalon.com投稿合作:tips@coffeesalon.com歡迎添加微信與我們保持互動廣告合作 |cofesalon咖啡館/師 |cafeuni咖啡愛好者 |saloncoffee






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